profile AndroGel | Ideal body

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

AndroGel is a transdermal testosterone cream which is used primarily in the male hormone replacement therapy (HRT) plans, replacement therapy specifically testosterone (TRT) plans. In recent years AndroGel has become one of the most popular TRT largely due to its mode of administration forms. The individual simply rub the cream / gel on the skin once a day and nothing more. Undoubtedly, this has much more appeal than the injection of testosterone, and then he has more appeal, it is not as effective. AndroGel, creams or other similar testosterone transdermal applications will work for many men, but some men need testosterone injection. Injectable or transdermal hormone is the same.

AndroGel appeared on the market in 2000 by Unimed Pharmaceuticals for several years and would dominate the market transdermal TRT. However, in 2006 generic transdermal creams have been approved by the U.S. FDA and particularly by Watson, and it would make a dent in the market AndroGel. However, AndroGel remains the dominant testosterone cream today.

AndroGel Functions and Features

AndroGel is a synthetic version of the primary male androgen testosterone. Although synthetic, it is a perfect replica of the hormone produced naturally essential. The body does not make a distinctive difference. Officially, AndroGel is classified as a transdermal hydroalcoholic testosterone gel and testosterone is also officially classified as an anabolic androgenic steroid.

Upon its release, AndroGel came at a concentration of 1% and was available in 2.5g and 5g sachets. These forms provide 25mg 50mg testosterone per application. The same forms are still available, however, the compound is also now available in 1.62% concentration. Whatever the concentration or a specific dosage sachet, AndroGel comprises a content of about 10% absorption. Due to the extremely low absorption rate, it will take quite high doses of testosterone to meet the needs of the individual. Due to the low absorption rate, it is also the reason AndroGel is not favored by too many athletes to improve performance. There are exceptions; it can be used to fight against the suppression of natural testosterone due to the use of other anabolic steroids. However, most of all athletes performance opt for injectable testosterone testosterone when used in a direct anabolic capacity. AndroGel is usually be used in direct HRT or TRT shots.

As AndroGel is most commonly used to treat low testosterone levels in order to understand the function and characteristics of AndroGel the first step is to understand low testosterone. In the United States alone, it is estimated that over 20 million men suffer from low testosterone or some type of androgen deficiency. Hormone testosterone itself is essential to our well-being and affects our physical, mental and even sexual functions. When our levels drop, each of these areas may suffer, and the levels remain low adverse effects may begin to rise. There are many possible symptoms of low testosterone, and then you will need blood tests to determine your state officially symptoms are usually a very good indicator. Symptoms of low testosterone include:

Loss of libido (can refer to a partial or total loss)
Erectile dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and assembly)
Loss of muscle mass (despite diet and exercise)
Loss of strength (despite diet and exercise)
Body Fat increased (despite diet and exercise)
Loss of mental clarity
Decreased ability to concentrate
Decreased energy
Weakened immune system

In most cases, most men see two symptoms, normally one of the sex crimes and more in the list. However, while one of sexual crimes is a good indicator, it is possible to have low levels without any symptoms of a sexual nature. As the problem persists, most men are more symptoms begin to appear. In fact, over time many men start to experience any symptoms on the list and see their quality of life greatly diminished. The symptoms themselves are not directly life threatening, but they are far from what we can call enjoyable. Fortunately, compounds such as AndroGel can completely solve the problem; after all, it is testosterone and the only thing that will fix low testosterone is testosterone.

For most men, the symptoms of low testosterone slip very slowly. Although it is possible, is very rare that symptoms appear strongly at a time. Age is the most common reason levels begin to fall, and as the months and years go by many men unconsciously become accustomed to low levels. Their quality of life is diminished and they simply accept it. However, there is no logical reason to accept when AndroGel is so easily and readily available. To make matters worse, low testosterone has been linked to several more serious conditions. If ignored and left to persist for a long period of time, low testosterone levels can help promote much more serious conditions, some of which can be fatal. When allowed to persist low testosterone has been linked to a sense of gateway under the following conditions:

Alzheimer's disease
Heart disease

If you have any of the symptoms of low testosterone, you are strongly encouraged to seek TRT. The best place to start would be to where you will find all the answers to your questions and ways to remedy your condition.

AndroGel because it is simply testosterone has the operational capacity to promote improved performance related traits. These characteristics include the growth of muscle tissue, increases the strength and other characteristics associated. However, because of the very low absorption should massive doses of compound and would be extremely costly to obtain such advantages. In a performance capacity, the only time it really makes sense to use AndroGel is to fight against testosterone suppression caused by other anabolic steroids, not as a direct performance enhancing agent. If you are interested in learning about the features and functions of testosterone in the ability to improve performance, please see one of the profiles of injectable testosterone by Testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, testosterone propionate, testosterone suspension, Omnadren Sustanon 250 profiles and can answer all your questions. When looking at these profiles, you'll also find testosterone compounds are also regularly used in HRT and TRT programs

Effects of AndroGel
The effects of AndroGel are very simple and straightforward. You suffer from low testosterone levels, you start using AndroGel and you do suffer from low testosterone. It can not get any simpler than that. Return to the list of symptoms of low testosterone; if you have any of these symptoms and they are due to a condition of low testosterone, AndroGel causes these symptoms disappear. You will see great improvements in the quality of life and all of the following are possible:

Improved sexual performance
Strong Physique
A Leaner Physique
increased energy
Improving mental function
Better Sleep
A stronger immune system
Improved use
It is not that you gave your body what it is not familiar with; your body is very familiar with testosterone. The reason for these improvements are noted because you brought your testosterone to where they are supposed to be with AndroGel. In fact, many men say they feel just as good if not better than they did when they were in their twenties. Again, this is not due to the presence of a foreign substance and we reiterate that because it is a factor that is difficult for many to understand. AndroGel is simply testosterone, your body needs and wants and testosterone while you produce is no longer enough on your own, with AndroGel you now have everything you need.

Side effects of AndroGel
AndroGel is not without possible side effects. Possible side effects of AndroGel are largely the same as any compound of testosterone, transdermal or injectable. It is, however, an exception. Because it is a transdermal cream men report some skin irritation on the site applied. This is not possible with injectable testosterone, in case of irritation due to use AndroGel, it may mean that you need to pass an injectable form.

For the patient HRT or TRT, while there are possible side effects of AndroGel chances are very in your favor. Remember, this is not a foreign substance in your body is not familiar with. In addition, in a plane TRT or HRT, you simply replace what your body lacks. You do not establish a level of testosterone beyond what is naturally possible. When it comes to side effects associated with testosterone, they are most common when supraphysiological doses are used. However, even in this case, while the risk is greatest most men can tolerate high levels of testosterone very well. Anyway, the side effects of AndroGel are possible. To help you understand the possible side effects of AndroGel, we divided into their different categories and all the information you need.

Estrogen: AndroGel fact carry with it any associated estrogenic side effects. The estrogenic side effects are due to the AndroGel hormone ability to convert testosterone to estrogen through its interaction with the enzyme aromatase. As estrogen levels increase, this can lead to gynecomastia and water retention in excess. Water retention can also promote high blood pressure if it gets out of hand.

Due to possible side effects of estrogen AndroGel, some men will require an anti-estrogen drug. There are two types of anti-estrogens that may be suitable, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) such as Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) and aromatase inhibitors (AI) In like Arimidex (anastrozole). AI are most effective because they inhibit the aromatase and process to reduce estrogen levels in serum. SERMs not reduce or inhibit but rather bind to estrogen receptors from binding. Unfortunately, the IA can negatively affect cholesterol. Testosterone can also negatively impact cholesterol, but is not AI or testosterone seems to have a strong impact in this one area. However, when combined appears negative effect on cholesterol to be stronger, in particular as regards the removal of HDL. Conversely, SERMs do not have a negative effect on cholesterol levels. While it has been shown antiestrogens, they act in fact as estrogen in the liver and enhance cholesterol. SERM should be your first choice if they can do the job. However, some will require AI and if this is the case, they should give a little more effort in controlling their cholesterol. Yes, cholesterol control is possible.

Androgen: The androgenic hormone testosterone is very, and therefore the side effects may include those of AndroGel androgenic nature. Possible androgenic effects include acne, loss of momentum in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and hair growth hair. These effects are strongly linked to genetic predispositions. For example, if you are not predisposed to male pattern baldness, you can not lose your hair. If you are prone to use AndroGel can accelerate your hair loss. You were losing hair anyway, but it can now happen earlier.

Androgenic side effects of AndroGel are due to testosterone is metabolised by 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. This in turn causes reduction of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) as it affects the target tissue in the skin and scalp. For this reason, some men may find the use of an inhibitor of 5-alpha-reductase such as finasteride or useful. This will significantly reduce the androgenicity of the hormone testosterone, not completely, but in particular.

Cardiovascular: AndroGel can cause cardiovascular fatigue, almost as we discussed regarding cholesterol. However, although possible, it should be very minimal in adult healthy male, healthy except a condition of low testosterone. It is important to keep in mind the possibility of including an AI to fight against estrogenic side effects.

Due to problems of possible cholesterol, it is very important to the individual lives a friendly mode of cholesterol life. Even without AndroGel it should be a priority in your life. A healthy lifestyle means limiting saturated fats and simple sugars in your diet. This also means, including many omega in your diet. Daily supplementation of fish oil is recommended. The person must also ensure that it incorporates a lot of training and cardiovascular activity in its routine. Some type of cardiovascular activity per day is recommended.

Testosterone: The use of AndroGel as with most all anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production. For the patient to low testosterone which is relatively meaningless; after all, you do not produce enough testosterone to begin with. To the person using AndroGel for other reasons, once use is discontinued, assuming he did not have a low output state of natural testosterone testosterone before resume on its own. For the patient to low testosterone, if you use is discontinued once again suffer from low testosterone levels. In most cases, treatment of low testosterone for Life. It is rarely possible to reverse a condition of low testosterone. It is possible in some cases to a younger man, but most men who are over 40 will need ongoing treatment. This may seem boring, but ask yourself this important question. Would you rather treat your low testosterone or whether you suffer from low testosterone?

Hepatotoxic: AndroGel is not an anabolic steroid hepatotoxic and present no stress or damage to the liver.

AndroGel administration
Standard doses AndroGel males normally start at 5g per day. After a short period of time, usually after a few weeks of use testosterone levels are checked again. At this stage, the dose may be increased to the range of 10 g per day, depending on patient needs. Whatever the dose, AndroGel is applied first thing in the morning to clean dry skin. The shoulders and arms are both in current implementation issues such as the abdomen. Once applied, it is imperative to wash your hands thoroughly to make sure your gel does not come into contact with the woman or children. It is also recommended that you do not engage in contact rigorous skin-to-skin contact, such as sexual activity for 12 hours after applying AndroGel and you take a shower before such contact occurs.
In a performance capacity, the individual would need at least 20 g per day to get results. In fact, more would be better and it will not really possible or even realistic for most men. To fight against depression caused by other anabolic steroids, 10g can do the trick.
There are no recommended doses AndroGel women. Women can suffer from low testosterone and treatment plans are certainly available, but this is not one of them. In a performance capacity, AndroGel is not an anabolic steroid that may be recommended that its rating virilization is much too high.

Availability of AndroGel

The only way most will be able to get AndroGel is a prescription given by a doctor. This is not an anabolic steroid commonly found on the black market, in fact, it is almost unheard of. You can find a black market supplier who wears a certain type of transdermal testosterone cream or gel, but it will be rare. Most of all AndroGel will base pharmacy.

AndroGel reviews
AndroGel is a solid foundation for the treatment of low testosterone anabolic steroid. On the basis of convenience, it is fantastic, and it solve the problem for many men. However, most men find that they are much happier with injectable testosterone. Injectable testosterone is simply more efficient. In addition, with injectable testosterone, there are no worries about contact with women and children, and if you inject you do it once every 7-10 days in most case. Remember, AndroGel should be applied daily.

While injectable testosterone is king and an argument against it would be difficult, AndroGel certainly has its place and is a useful addition to the world anabolic steroid. It is efficient and has transformed the lives of many men. He also helped pave the way for a new understanding of anabolic steroids has been lacking for decades in the medical community. For decades, there has been an illogical fear of anabolic steroids. Fear begins to decline, there is still work to do, but AndroGel has played an important part in helping to eliminate ridiculous.

profile AndroGel
17 beta-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one
Manufacturing (original) Unimed
Effective dose Men: 5g-10g daily
Effective dose women: Not Recommended
Active Half-Life
Detection time:
Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 100/100

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